🇬🇧 Real supermen and superwomen!

Many think they need to be “big” or superman/superwoman in front of others.

The woman of the present time has been subjected to a load that is too heavy to bear with working hours or tasks outside and inside the house. It seems that nothing she does is really good.

The demands are many that others impose on her or that she herself imposes on herself to be a super: wife, professional, mother, daughter, among other roles in society.

Commonly, this order of priorities gets skewed or unbalanced, making it look like a sea of ​​problems with little effective help around.

Man in general knows his role intrinsically. However, many women have taken away their responsibility and leadership from their husbands, with attitudes that end up making them stay in a comfort zone.

The burden, then, is often caused by the woman herself for her wrong decisions. And recognizing that requires humility!

The race for positions or social recognition has left many essential roles behind, such as simply being TRULY husband/wife, father/mother.

With family disintegration or escape from their roles, there are many mothers who need to work to support their home, when in fact they would like to have more time to take good care of their offspring.

In the last decades, this pressure for the mutant formation of a superwoman (almost bionic!), promoted by the media, has made the role of housewife come to be seen as something of less importance.

Yes, women have dreams, desires and the ability to make excellent performances as much as men in certain activities, especially intellectual ones.

The point is that often the focus is no longer on the family’s well-being, but on her status and her showcase on social media. Not even her own well-being is prioritized, when likes are worth more than her real emotional state!

Many marriages are being dissolved and not a few children are looking for love in the wrong sources, because their parents decided to be more interested in clicks and likes, at the expense of frustrated and even broken hearts!

However, in pandemic times, many are rediscovering how pleasurable it is to be with family, making delicious homemade bread and other delicacies without preservatives. Many have lived the pleasure of taking care of a vegetable garden, since they don’t need much to enjoy or appreciate the good things that are provided to us by the Creator.

Others have perfected the practice of sharing their little with those who have nothing! Solidarity took even more shape among those who have less, even in the face of so much chaos!

Pampering especially for yours, away from the spotlight, is more noble and rewarding than just getting likes in the moment!

Being a good housewife or a husband helping his wife with household chores, for example, in a simple gesture, is more noble than wanting to impress others.

Even to be a good housewife, or a good home administrator, a Heavenly Gift is necessary, because it is not easy! And this is no small thing. Taking care of your family is a noble thing.

Here are some practical examples that can be adopted by a couple:

Husbands: spread little notes hidden around the house in the places that your wife should find, with a declaration of love and recognition of how valuable she is. Another romantic practice is to always present her with something she likes (as simple as it may be, like a flower), as this demonstrates that you were thinking about her, as well as making calls during the day, just to say, “I love you!”

Wives: receive him as prepared for an important dinner with satisfaction on your face, as if he had been away for days! You will not be less of a woman, as you remove his shoes and give him a gentle foot massage and prepare everything for his bath and comfort. Putting his head in your lap while feeding him grapes and stroking his hair doesn’t make you any less empowered.

As parents: playing with children with simple games, encouraging their creativity with theater and moments of laughter will not take away your parenting authority, but it will increase the confidence of being around parents who are present and who care about their well-being.

The strongest abilities of human beings are not in the “superpowers” of a life of appearance on social networks, but in a real and intense coexistence between beings who love and honor each other, without the search for passengers and fleeting applause from others.

Who does not honor their own family, how can they want to win the world on the networks? What’s the point of embracing an illusion and facing real loneliness?

When you take good care of your spiritual life and your family or those who are close to you and need you, in this mission is found more nobility than looking like something to those who often don’t care about you and won’t be there, when you need it most.

True supermen and superwomen wear invisible capes of love and nobility.

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