🇬🇧 Marry Me?

As a man humbles himself, bending his knee and extending his hand to a woman, in order to propose to her, so GOD sent His Son JESUS CHRIST to humble Himself, suffer, die to pay our debts for sins, resurrect and grant our access to GOD, through His holy and innocent Blood, which was given on behalf of sinners.

His immense Love for you and me was the reason He submitted to that sacrifice, in order to free us from eternal death and suffering in the lake of fire and to grant us Eternal Life.

Only when we believe it and accept it (that He died for us in that cross and on the third day He resurrected and He lives now and forever), we can be reconciled with the LORD, in order to we live with Him forever.

The King of Glory proposes you today:

– I love you! Will you marry Me?

So, you could tell me: What insanity and madness is this? Marry GOD?

THIS IS SOMETHING SPIRITUAL AND NOT SOMETHING CARNAL (not like you could thinking in the body or flesh)! THE LORD JESUS CHRIST cares for His Church (that is His people) as the husband cares for his beloved wife, protecting and providing for her in all her spiritual, physical and emotional needs.

My dear, the LORD wants to establish an Eternal Covenant with you of true Life, love, trust, confidence and happiness that will never end. All you have to do is say:

– Yes, I do!

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