🇬🇧 Marry Me?

As a man humbles himself, bending his knee and extending his hand to a woman, in order to propose to her, so GOD sent His Son JESUS CHRIST to humble Himself, suffer, die to pay our debts for sins, resurrect and grant our access to GOD, through His holy and innocent Blood, which was given… Continuar lendo 🇬🇧 Marry Me?

🇬🇧 The Offense

Offense is one of the enemy’s traps, so that people don’t release forgiveness and become imprisoned, not living GOD’s best for their lives. Many don’t release forgiveness, because they don’t know that they have already been forgiven of an offense or unpayable debt! We had inherited a debt from the first created man, Adam, who… Continuar lendo 🇬🇧 The Offense